“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways,
to give knowledge of salvation to his people
by the forgiveness of their sins”.
(Lk 1:76-77)

Today we give thanks to the Lord together for the call and the name that he has given to our community, and so to each one of us too: John, meaning ‘God is favourable to us’! The words of John the Baptist, even today, remain full of current reality, and even more so for us as Koinonia. We are called to live the Word grounding ourselves in the present moment, even when our announcement is in contrast to the mentality of the world.

John recognised the presence of the Messiah in that specific age in that specific place. So, let’s ask the Lord to revitalise in the Koinonia the charismatic capacity to associate the Word with the sign of the times, and to be witnesses to the fulfilment of the prophesies. That, like the child John, we can grow and make ourselves strong in the Spirit (cfr. Lk 1:80).
With warmest greetings and best wishes!
Fr Giuseppe