I remember August 15, 2002, our first day after moving to Nowy Radzic, the first house of the Oasis in Poland. After three years of prayer with the Word of the Lord, we entered our property, according to the promise: “…I am giving it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey” (Lv 20:24). And so it was, even concretely, because at that time our neighbors brought us cow’s milk and plenty of honey! The Lord has been faithful to us and since that day, every year, on August 15, we celebrate in Radzic, Poland, the Feast of the Lord’s Faithfulness, which for us has now become the feast of the faithfulness of brothers, friends.
God is faithful – HE FIRST was and remains faithful to what He promised, to His covenant with man until death and His resurrection. And you cannot separate the Lord’s faithfulness from the faithfulness of brothers, spouses, friends. Because our loyalty is the response to love, it always passes through the concreteness of daily life and must be lived with small, achievable steps. In the Koinonia, we have fixed commitments that characterize us and help us grow in our calling, such as: personal prayer, formation and evangelization meetings, services and ministries, tithing. Only in this way, persevering every day, can one remain faithful. He who is faithful in little is faithful also in much (Lk 16:10).
The authentic response to love is concretized in the commitment that expresses my 100%, that is, I WANT TO GIVE EVERYTHING, regardless of the state of life, but naturally linked to it. It is precisely what keeps the “yes” to Him and to others alive – the concrete commitment. What John wrote remains always valid: whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen (cf. 1 Jn 4:20).
This love, to be “readable,” needs gestures, decisions, choices. And it becomes possible if we stay close to the Lord, clinging to His Word, firmly holding the hand of the brother, friend, spouse; thus, we can truly advance with courage and radicality towards our goal, following the path already opened by Him.
It seems that today, for various reasons, it is increasingly difficult to keep one’s word as a serious commitment – because people change, circumstances change, the world… And yet, TODAY, the words of Paul of Tarsus resound so strongly: Do not conform yourselves to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect (Rom 12:2).
Remain faithful, starting from the small daily things, step by step, to conquer the ever higher peaks, to live well your calling and your mission, bringing into this world the testimony of love and trust, until the end.
Iwona Sułek

2003 Feast of Fidelity in Nowy Radzic – three-year vows of Asia

2018 Feast of Fidelity in Nowy Radzic – perpetual vows of Filip

2023 Wedding of Julia and Wojtek – Koinonia John the Baptist Oasis Wrocław